Why does Tekniknokta mention my WD Elements 1042 (WDBPCK0010BBK-01) drive as WD10JMVW?

Tekniknokta's proposal TN79367

A response from Tekniknokta:

The model name you specified is the model number written on the box.
In our service, your disk is taken out of the box and recorded and the disk number is written.

Belirttiğiniz model ismi kutu üzerinde yazan model numarasıdır.Servisimiz de diskiniz kutudan çıkartılıp kayıt alınmaktadır ve disk numarası yazılmaktadır.


So, «WD10JMVW» is the model of the bare internal drive inside of my WD Elements 1042 (WDBPCK0010BBK-01) drive.