1. JustunoCom/magento-2-v4
The module integrtes Magento 2 with the version 4 of the Justuno service.
The repository naming and the decision to create a separate repository for a new Justuno version are ugly, but they were the decisions of Travis Logan, not me.
- github.com/JustunoCom/magento-2-v4
- archive.is/itym4
- web.archive.org/web/20240730112435/https://github.com/JustunoCom/magento-2-v4
2. JustunoCom/m2
The module integrates Magento 2 with the version 3 of the Justuno service.
- github.com/JustunoCom/m2
- archive.is/HB8Yf
- web.archive.org/web/20240730112948/https://github.com/JustunoCom/m2
3. justuno-com/core
It is a middleware used by JustunoCom/magento-2-v4 and JustunoCom/m2 (see above).
- github.com/justuno-com/core
- archive.is/YkuCr
- web.archive.org/web/20240730112643/https://github.com/justuno-com/core
4. justuno-com/m1
The module integrates Magento 1 with the version 3 of the Justuno service.