1. What is «Form 10-01» («Doğum bildirim formu»)?
«Form 10-01» (Nüfus Kayıt Örneği) is an internal Turkish form representing an extract from the national population registry (MERNİS).
The full official name of the document is «Doğum bildirim formu» (Birth Notification Form).
The form contains several identification numbers in the upper right corner:
- Form No: the form type number (10-01)
- Özel Kütek Sıra No: the individual registration sequence number in a special log
- Tescil yılı: the registration year
It reflects data about a citizen, including date and place of birth, information about parents, marital status, and other registry details.
The document is governed by Turkish national legislation: - Population Services Law (Nüfus Hizmetleri Kanunu), Law No. 5490
- Subordinate legislation to Law No. 5490, including the "Regulation on the Implementation of the Population Services Law" (Nüfus Hizmetleri Uygulama Yönetmeliği)
2. What is «Formul A»?
«Formul A» is a multilingual extract from a birth record, issued in accordance with the 1976 "Convention on the Issue of Multilingual Extracts from Civil Status Records."
Its primary purpose is to simplify the use of birth documents abroad.
This document is accepted without additional legalization in the States Parties to the Convention and serves as an international standard for confirming the fact and details of birth outside of Turkey.
3. How do these documents differ?
3.1. Formul A
- An international document confirming the fact of birth
- Issued for use abroad
- Recognized without legalization in the States Parties to the 1976 Convention
- Oriented towards international document exchange
3.2. Form 10-01 (Doğum bildirim formu)
- An internal national document reflecting data about a citizen in Turkey
- Does not have automatic international recognition
- Used for domestic administrative and legal procedures
- Regulated by Turkish population services legislation (Law No. 5490 and subordinate acts)
4. How are these documents used together?
4.1. Dual issuance of documents
In practice, «Formul A» and «Form 10-01» are often issued simultaneously in Turkey.
This provides the citizen with both an internationally recognized document for use abroad and a domestic form for administrative and legal matters within the country.
4.2. Additional data in «Form 10-01»
«Form 10-01» contains more detailed information about the citizen, their parents, and their registration than «Formul A».
If «Formul A» is sufficient for confirming the fact of birth abroad, then «Form 10-01» is a source of more comprehensive data for use within Turkey.
5. Features of completing «Form 10-01»
5.1. Example of unfilled fields
The form contains sections:
Tescil eden birim - information about the registering unit
Onaylayan yetkilinin - data about the approving official
In the upper part of the document, data on the province (İl), district (İlçe), neighborhood (Mahalle), family and individual sequence numbers (Aile Sıra No, Birey Sıra No) may be missing if the individual does not have Turkish citizenship or assigned registration data in that system
The T.C. Kimlik No (Turkish ID number) for the child may be absent if he/she is not a citizen of Turkey
5.2. Unfilled fields at the bottom of the document (the «Bildirimde Bulunanların» section)
On the left side, information about the declarant who provided the birth information (e.g., first name, surname, address) is indicated, and on the right side, information about a second declarant, if one exists.
If there is no second declarant or no data provided, these fields remain blank.
This also complies with the norms of Law No. 5490 and the Nüfus Hizmetleri Uygulama Yönetmeliği, which allow leaving fields blank if there is no relevant information or the fields are not applicable to the specific case.
5.3. Legal justification
The absence of data in certain fields of «Form 10-01» does not contradict regulatory acts but reflects real circumstances and the person’s status at the time of issuing the document.
6. Regulatory Acts Governing the Issuance and Completion of «Form 10-01»
- mevzuat.gov.tr/MevzuatMetin/1.5.5490.pdf (Nüfus Hizmetleri Kanunu No. 5490)
- mevzuat.gov.tr (Subordinate acts and instructions related to Law No. 5490)
This completes the English translation of the article.