- pages.github.com
- «GitHub Pages examples»
- «Custom domain redirects for GitHub Pages sites»
- «Customizing GitHub Pages»
- «User, Organization, and Project Pages»
- «Configuring a publishing source for GitHub Pages»
Whilst ordinarily you would need to generate your site’s HTML using jekyll build then upload it to the web server of your choice, GitHub allows for raw Jekyll projects to be uploaded to its service; it will handle the building and serving of the HTML itself from the Jekyll project.
GitHub Pages doesn’t support SSL on GitHub Pages for custom domains!
You can enforce HTTPS to add a layer of encryption for traffic to your GitHub Pages site if it has a github.io domain.
- HTTPS for GitHub Pages - The GitHub Blog
- «Add HTTPS support to Github Pages including custom domains» issue
- «Secure and fast GitHub Pages with CloudFlare» (enabling Cloudflare for a single subdomain only requires a paid Cloudflare plan).
- «How to host your static site with HTTPS on GitHub Pages and CloudFlare»